
I Don't!

Do I really want to tell you all the shits I been through to ruin our night?

Do I really want to spend my extra time to sacrifice our time during the night?

Do I really want to deal with those unnecessary pressure and turn to have fight with you?

I don't!

But I thought you all understand.

I know, even though you understand but you could not help to lose your temper.

If that's what I always need to face, I will learn to do anything to face it no matter I like it or not. 

For tonight, I just wish I am a millionaire now and I DON'T need to do something I don't want and just stay home being with you all the time.


Finally Moving in

到美國也一段時間了 一直以為 找房子搬家是件兩三個星期能搞定的事情

直到前兩個禮拜 一切才塵埃落定
中間雖然經歷了辦事不利的中國agent 及愛騙人的阿米哥管理員
在傢具店上班的我 一開始就是以BoConcept傢具為主 迫不及待的設計了整個家
不過 最後基於價錢及等待時間 竟然將所有東西用ikea代替.........sigh!!



So frustrated

I think the God likes to give me lots tasks before everything goes smoothly.

For house hunting, I don't know what's going on. Everytime I thought I got the deals and planned to do furniture shopping, I even draw the layout in my interior design program, the next day, broker called me it had already been token or landlord regretted.

Today, I almost fall into a catch. A amio superintendent showed me a very nice two bedroom only for $1,450 but he would charge commission for $900 which I felt fine with it. However, the situation went wired that he asked me to filled out the application form and gave him deposit for $500. I felt really really odd. He kept saying I got the deals and I could have key the next day; however, when I asked for the owner of building or the manage company of the building, he couldn't answer me. To be honest, I almost gave him the money and hope for the best.

After clear consideration, I thought it's a fraud. The application doesn't have any company name printed on it. The normal process is the applier filled out application, the owner or manage team run the credit report and review all the document such as employment letter, pay tub, W2 and bank statement.

This guy asked me to do nothing but gave him money to reserve the apartment.

Now I finally realize why there're hundreds people cheated by bad guys because they're desperated for something.




一邊罵著低於100KM卻又霸佔內車道 ㄧ邊又重踩油門、急轉方向盤的前進

接下來了解到 這不是一個好混的地方
沒練過 “勿試“

原以為 人車一體已是個境界 但需要加上個幸運 方能逃過一劫!
感謝上天 賜與我剛剛好的運氣

對於返鄉的遊子 是個安心的出口
對於一昧向前聽著一路向北的車手 是個轉運口
對於車車皆厭 透露出危險氣息的大卡車、連結車們 是這些愛丟垃圾的地獄犬棲息地

為了逃避車陣的大白(HONDA CIVIC 白,J&S的愛車)
越過了北緯38度 來到這龍潭虎穴


一個剎那間 前面的大卡車繼續他單擋的任務 欺身向右 一個假動作
“向左?“ 腦子想的是高難度的左八輪在地、右八輪在路肩護欄上的動作(P.S.大卡車共16輪)

眼睛往左照後鏡一望 想著本人不奉陪重撥高難度動作要重返中間車道
一台不識相的小黑 加速前來

同一時間 右耳正播放著Sherry的高八度警告聲 "Watch out!"

原來阿 我真傻 前面的大卡車怎麼會無聊做著馬戲團才會有的動作勒
別人笑我看不穿 我笑自己瞎了眼

前面地面躺著一個大卡車的車輪! 對!他不在車車上 他在地面躺著

J大腦很快的跟J左右手下達 往右往左間隔差千分之一秒的指令
在此感謝J的各部位配合 使得在下可以在此報告經歷

雖然如此 大白還是 翹孤輪了

車內一陣安靜 J靜靜的安撫S及道歉關於他的疏忽

人車一體的J 知道大白左前方損傷不輕

躲在保桿裡的引擎進氣管路斷裂 不過無關行車安全

藉由這事件 告訴親愛的大家
外側車道 有空經過就好 不是個常逗留的好去處阿


Locked door in Villa

Why? Why did I in earth need to place a chair to block that door?

That's the door to my villa in Bail Island.

Originally I could enjoyed in my secret garden with private swimming pool, open living room, kitchen, idle bower(發呆亭).

And I thought my breakfast would be ready when I woke up.

However, my morning was interrupted by knocking my door.

Well, I knew hotel hold each key to rooms but I might do something when they just broke in, especially in my honeymoon.

So...I called front desk, asked them " Don't disturb" and if I need any service, I would let they know.

What drove me crazy was the front desk didn't understand what my saying and insist she was the only one who could spoke English.

What the F!

Once she didn't know my meaning, she sent one guys to check it out.

HA...He was scared by the sound when he tried to walk in but the door blocked by chair and the chair fell down.

Here is the story to explain why I need a chair for my villa's door.

P.S. When I went out for dinner and found there's door tag showing "Don't Disturb"...sigh~~

Everything about Yan from this day!

Finally....I'm not alone anymore.

I got married on 3rd of May with my classmate from elementary school.
She also was my first love..
hee hee...
First girl I liked but never took the action.

After almost 20 years, we was connected each other again.
For that, I need to say thank you for lots people, especially my mothers.
Why "mothers"?
I came back Taiwan for my mother and got the phone # and confidence from my mother-in-law

I also gave my vow to my dear, Sherry Tsai, Mrs. Yan.
Also thank you my sister-in-law recorded the moment and in words.
