
I Don't!

Do I really want to tell you all the shits I been through to ruin our night?

Do I really want to spend my extra time to sacrifice our time during the night?

Do I really want to deal with those unnecessary pressure and turn to have fight with you?

I don't!

But I thought you all understand.

I know, even though you understand but you could not help to lose your temper.

If that's what I always need to face, I will learn to do anything to face it no matter I like it or not. 

For tonight, I just wish I am a millionaire now and I DON'T need to do something I don't want and just stay home being with you all the time.


Finally Moving in

到美國也一段時間了 一直以為 找房子搬家是件兩三個星期能搞定的事情

直到前兩個禮拜 一切才塵埃落定
中間雖然經歷了辦事不利的中國agent 及愛騙人的阿米哥管理員
在傢具店上班的我 一開始就是以BoConcept傢具為主 迫不及待的設計了整個家
不過 最後基於價錢及等待時間 竟然將所有東西用ikea代替.........sigh!!
